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"Основная моя деятельность и призвание - звуковые медитации и массажи с помощью тибетских поющих чаш и других волшебных инструментов.

Также я занимаюсь телесными практиками, провожу женские круги💫 с метафорическими картами и аромамаслами, всегда это душевно и тепло, и с любовью ❤

По своей специальности я философ, в душе путешественник, постоянно жаждующий новых впечатлений и знаний 🙏"

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"Hello! I’m Yuliana from Siberia. 

🌳I love nature 

🌸I love people and help them to  connect with themselves through essential oils, AromaDance and other tools. 

📚Founder of a book club in German

🙌🏻Connecting people with themselves and others

All the answers are within☀️"

Yuliana's Buchclub Deutsch 🇩🇪 on Telegram

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"Hello! My name is Anastasiya, and I am a certified specialist in dance movement therapy. 

I am here to guide you on a transformative journey towards balance and deep self-awareness through the power of movement and dance. Together, we will embark on a path of personal growth and empowerment.

Here are some of the ways we can work together:

1. Overcoming fears and breaking free from limiting beliefs that hold you back.

2. Embracing a mindful approach to release negative emotions and cultivate ecological emotional experiences.

3. Awakening your inner femininity, nurturing your tenderness, and igniting a profound sense of love within yourself.

4. Discovering strategies to break free from repetitive life patterns and create new narratives that align with your true desires.

5. Embracing and transforming your shadow aspects into sources of strength and resilience.

I am also open to addressing any other individual requests you may have.

Each dance movement therapy session will be a profound opportunity for you to elevate your life, expand your self-understanding, and embark on a journey of personal transformation.

I look forward to accompanying you on this empowering and enriching path. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to schedule a session."

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"I have a long standing fascination for the healing and bodymind work.

I qualified in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in 2017 with International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing, Switzerland. 

Since 2017 I have done numerous post graduate courses in Ostheopathy, Craniosacral Biodynamics and Biomechanics.

For many years since 2011 I have practised a Healing Meditation Art of Kundalini Yoga which is a great complement to the fluid nature of Biodynamic craniosacral work.

I am offering the following services:

🌿Craniosacral therapy in Zurich
🤰Yoga for pregnant women and mothers
👶Yoga for postpartum recovery"



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"Ich bin eine psychologische Beraterin, eine Spezialistin im sozialen Bereich mit 10 Jahren Erfahrung.

Menschen kommen zu mir, wenn sie im Privatleben oder auch im Beruf Schwierigkeiten haben. Ich habe die Fähigkeit, aus dem Informationsfeld einer Person die Gründe für die aktuelle Situation herauszulesen und bei der Lösungsfindung zu helfen.

Ich habe eine Gemeinschaft der New-Age-Spezialisten für psychische Gesundheit INTER-BALANCE gegründet. Die Mission unserer Gemeinschaft ist es, Menschen durch Selbsterkenntnis und Heilung dabei zu helfen, ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern.

Ich lade Sie zu einem Beratungsgespräch ein:"

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