Leela is an ancient game of life. It is a transformational game.
One can play it with a facilitator/guide or without, individually or in a small group.
Every player has a unique experience while playing this game. Players enter the field of the game only when they get connected to the question or desire that is the most relevant for them at the moment. The process of the game helps players get connected with themselves even better & understand what their relevant questions & desires are. Players finish the game when their state of being is transformed. Eventually this is what enables taking the necessary action steps with ease to realise desires, to materialise ideas, to fulfil goals.
This game is a real journey that brings us closer to ourselves and helps us realise what powerful beings we are & what we're capable of creating. It helps us believe in ourselves & eventually take action & materialise our true desires.
I am offering to facilitate the game of Leela for you & to guide you on this journey.
Are you ready for deep transformations?
Contact me to arrange a session.