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Hi! My name is Agata Stapelfeldt. 

Besides everything else that I am, I’m a star & a sage. And I’m finally ready to own my uniqueness.

I’m putting my life story into a digital book.

In this book I’m telling everything that I remember about my life: where & how I grew up, what interesting experiences I had, what I learned & much much more.

This is what I feel I want to do right now & what I feel will bring tremendous value to this world.

Yes, I am a rather ordinary individual. However, like in everyone else's case, my story is ordinarily extraordinary & unique.

I feel it has to be told.

And you can become a witness of my manifestation out of desire & love.


I have most of what most people dream of: health, great physical shape, family, great relationships with my parents, husband & kids, a comfortable home, freedom to express myself as I desire, freedom to choose how to make money, financial stability.

More importantly, I feel the way that most people want to feel: satisfied & happy. I have unconditional love for everything in the world & I always strive to see a bigger picture in any situation.


I come from Russia, but almost a half of my life I’ve been living outside of Russia: 6 years in the UK, 8 years in Switzerland, 3 years in Singapore and now I’m back in Switzerland, exactly how I desired.

I met my German husband-to-be in the UK, & we got married on a Caribbean island of Nevis when both of us were 23 years old. My husband manifests 95% of qualities that I desired him to have (yes, I wrote out a description of my ideal husband when I was 19). We have 4 kids: 2 boys & 2 girls, also just like I wanted 🙏

I’m grateful that my life is turning out exactly how I want it to be. And I’m sure it’s not a surprise.

Although there have been lots of traumatising experiences in my life, generally my upbringing & genetic predispositions let me to direct my focus on what I want & to develop beliefs that have been supportive for manifesting what I desire in my life. 

I know I’m not the only one to take credit for what I have & experience, I’m continuing what my ancestors started - they also gave me a great start, that I'm finally owning & thanks to which I can grow even more as a human & spiritual being.

In gratitude to my ancestors & as a legacy for my descendants, I’m creating a resource about my life - starting with a book, planning to expand wider.


And you also have a chance to read & experience my story. Join the Telegram channel to read the first couple of chapters for free (click on the button below). Experiencing the full story will require a small monetary investment from your side (because valuable resources shouldn't be free in any case). 

Through interaction with my book you’ll be able to witness my manifestation as a star in real time & you'll be a part of the process of creating something truly valuable. You'll receive tremendous value from learning about me, my lessons, my beliefs, my knowledge & guided experiences, (yes, it’s gonna be much more than just a story: I'm gonna share the most important info about healthy lifestyle & various practices) that you can use to create a life of your dreams.

Through observing one’s life one can also notice how certain actions lead to certain consequences. I believe I made very good choices in the past that led me to have the consequences that I experience today (all thanks to my inner-programming of course, but also thanks to my conscious self-reflection).

This book can also be a great guide on how to parent (or not to parent) kids, so that they have a chance to create lives of their dreams. In the book you’ll find my parents’ wisdom (together with their un-optimal choices for me), my own parental wisdom (and failures) that will enable you to raise your kids (and your inner-child) in the best possible way.

I can’t say enough about what I have in store for you & how valuable this resource will be for both, adults (with or without kids) & teenagers.

I’m happy to invite you on this journey with me.

To start reading & experiencing my story:

MY STORY: About Us
MY STORY: Instagram
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